Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Response to "Professor Incognito Apologizes: An Itemized List"

1.    Are there any prominent symbols in the story? If so, what are they and how are they used?

I don’t see much symbolism. The only thing I can think of is maybe threat, love, and evil. When reading his apologies I kept thinking that you never know if someone you know, or the person next to you, is inherently “evil”. The fact that he is keeping secrets and is “evil” may just be a metaphor about keeping secrets and how it will only hurt the people who are close to you.

1.    What connections did you make with the story? Discuss the elements of the work with which you were able to connect.

In this story I liked the fact that it was easy to read, and it was as if the guy was really talking to the audience. Although this is a made up story with made up events, he makes it seem real by the way he talks and describes the events and his feelings, or lack there of. Also, I like the fact that the character was sort of confessing to his girlfriend about what happened and what went wrong. It gives him a sort of human aspect. Like, he is evil and does thing that we can’t connect to, but the fact that he has a girlfriend and is talking about their relationship, it is easier to connect with the characters.

3.    What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you use? What changes would you make?

While I was reading this story I kept picturing almost like a live-action version of the Incredibles, because of the evil person confessing like the evil kid does, mixed with Star Wars, because of the hologram. If I were to recreate this story in to another medium I think it would be film. I don’t see another way of showing all that needs to be shown. The entire story is of the guy as a hologram, flashing back and confessing to his girlfriend. I can see this as a film that is essentially made up of a lot of flashbacks that are patched together.

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